Signature Style Name Necklace Signature Style Name Necklace

Signature Style Name Necklace


Signature Style Name Necklace,  Treat yourself or someone special to the ideal personalized name necklace! Our Signature Style Name Necklace is certain to be a favorite. The capital letters are bold, with lovely flourishes. The lowercase lettering provides delicate contrast, and the chain is attached to both sides of the pendant, creating a balanced presentation that’s absolutely lovely. This pretty pendant is easy to personalize. Simply choose a name, nickname, or special word for the inscription. Once you decide how you’d like to customize your pendant, our artisans will take care of all the details, creating the perfect accessory for yourself, a friend, or a loved one.
Metals Type: Stainless Steel
Please Note:

It's a personalized make to order item, It may take 20 to 25 Business days (estimated) for delivery of this item.  As this is custom made just for you, it will be a non-returnable.  We really appreciate your business and assure you that when you receive your order, you will know the wait was worth it.  More options for our custom Jewelry available here :

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